Учебно-методические комплекты для 10 и 11 классов завершают линию «Английский в фокусе» для 2-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений. Комплекты созданы с учетом требований федерального компонента Государственного стандарта среднего (полного) общего образования по иностранным языкам. Основные характеристики комплекта: учет европейских стандартов в области изучения иностранных языков, развитие коммуникативных умений в говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме в ситуациях общения, максимально приближенных к реальным, включение учащихся в диалог культур, осуществление межпредметных связей, дальнейшее развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и самоконтроля.
Пример из учебника
Authors’ Acknowledgements.
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishlng who have contributed the1r skllls to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rialna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also llke to thank those lnstitutuns and teachers who piloted the manusuipt, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of Lhe book.
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishlng who have contributed the1r skllls to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Nina Peters and Rialna Diammond (editorial assistants); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also llke to thank those lnstitutuns and teachers who piloted the manusuipt, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of Lhe book.
Module 1
Reading Skills 4
Listening & Speaking Skills 5
Grammar in Use 6
Literature 8
Writing Skills 9
Vocabulary Practice 10
Spotlight on Exams 11
Module 2
Reading Skills 12
Listening& Speaking Skills 13
Grammar in Use 14
Literature 16
Writing Skills 17
Vocabulary Practice 18
Spotlight on Exams 19
Module 3
Reading Skills 20
Listening & Speaking Skills 21
Grammar in Use 22
Literature 24
Writing Skills 25
Vocabulary Practice 26
Spotlight on Exams 27
Module 4
Reading Skills 28
Listening& Speaking Skills 29
Grammar in Use 30
Literature 32
Writing Skills 33
Vocabulary Practice 34
Spotlight on Exams 35
Module 5
Reading Skills 36
Listenings Speaking Skills 37
Grammar in Use 38
Literature 40
Writing Skills 41
Vocabulary Practice 42
Spotlight on Exams 43
Module 6
Reading Skills 44
Listenings Speaking Skills 45
Grammar in Use 46
Literature 48
Writing Skills 49
Vocabulary Practice 50
Spotlight on Exams 51
Module 7
Reading Skills 52
Listenings Speaking Skills 53
Grammar in Use 54
Literature 56
Writing Skills 57
Vocabulary Practice 58
Spotlight on Exams 59
Module 8
Reading Skills 60
Listenings Speaking Skills 61
Grammar in Use 62
Literature 64
Writing Skills 65
Vocabulary Practice 66
Spotlight on Exams 67
Irregular Verbs 68
Translator’s Corners 69
Reading Skills 4
Listening & Speaking Skills 5
Grammar in Use 6
Literature 8
Writing Skills 9
Vocabulary Practice 10
Spotlight on Exams 11
Module 2
Reading Skills 12
Listening& Speaking Skills 13
Grammar in Use 14
Literature 16
Writing Skills 17
Vocabulary Practice 18
Spotlight on Exams 19
Module 3
Reading Skills 20
Listening & Speaking Skills 21
Grammar in Use 22
Literature 24
Writing Skills 25
Vocabulary Practice 26
Spotlight on Exams 27
Module 4
Reading Skills 28
Listening& Speaking Skills 29
Grammar in Use 30
Literature 32
Writing Skills 33
Vocabulary Practice 34
Spotlight on Exams 35
Module 5
Reading Skills 36
Listenings Speaking Skills 37
Grammar in Use 38
Literature 40
Writing Skills 41
Vocabulary Practice 42
Spotlight on Exams 43
Module 6
Reading Skills 44
Listenings Speaking Skills 45
Grammar in Use 46
Literature 48
Writing Skills 49
Vocabulary Practice 50
Spotlight on Exams 51
Module 7
Reading Skills 52
Listenings Speaking Skills 53
Grammar in Use 54
Literature 56
Writing Skills 57
Vocabulary Practice 58
Spotlight on Exams 59
Module 8
Reading Skills 60
Listenings Speaking Skills 61
Grammar in Use 62
Literature 64
Writing Skills 65
Vocabulary Practice 66
Spotlight on Exams 67
Irregular Verbs 68
Translator’s Corners 69
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