Happy English 9 класс Рабочая тетрадь Кауфман часть 2

Рабочие тетради
Рабочая тетрадь № 2 входит в состав УМК “Счастливый английский” для 9-го класса, Предназначены для выполнения письменных заданий в классе и дома. В них помещены контрольные задания разделов учебника. В каждой рабочей тетради содержится дополнительный материал по изучаемым темам.
Пример из учебника
Eleanors father was fifty when his youngest daughtcr “vas born. Tl1e family had already six children, and attention to her. Не was а gentleman witll refined manners. Eleanor kissed her father’s forehcad before bedtime. Нс ne,1er gaye her а kiss in all his life. Emotions and close contacts ‘Nere out of the qucstion at that time.
Unit 4 Do your parents understand YOU?
Lessons 1, 2 One day they’ll be proud of me
Lessons 3, 4 What do his parents want him to do?
Lesson 5, 6 Do your parents understand youe 13
Lesson 7 The Battle of Gettysburg 19
Lessons 8, 9 Welcome to Washington 20
Lesson 10 Test yourself 22
Unit 5 Going down Hollywood Boulevard…
Lessons 1, 2 Welcome to Los Angeles 25 Lessons 3, 4 What’s on todaye 29
Lesson 5 A walk down Hollywood Boulevard 35
Lesson 6 The secret of success 38
Lesson 7 What is the book / film aboute 43
Lesson 9 The history of the American Flag
Lesson 10 Test yourself 49
Unit 6 What are you going to do in summer?
Lessons 1, 2 What does a ranger doe 52
Lessons 3, 4 It would be nice to have a summer iob 55
Lessons 5, 6 The job for you 61
Lesson 7 An accident in Death Valley 64
Lessons 8 Faces on Mount Rushmore 68
Lesson 10 Test yourself 70

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