Английский язык. 9 класс. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

Учебник является основным компонентом учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» и предназначен для учащихся IX класса общеобразовательных организаций и школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. Основная задача курса – совершенствование приобретённых ранее знаний и умений и подготовка учащихся к Государственной итоговой аттестации по английскому языку. Материалы учебника способствуют достижению личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов обучения. Учебник получил положительные заключения по итогам научной, педагогической и общественной экспертиз на соответствие Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту основного общего образования.
UNIT ONE. Pages of History: Linking Past and Present 3
Introduction 4
Listening Comprehension 6
Reading 9
Use of English 17
Grammar Section –
English Tenses: Present Simple and Present Progressive –
English Articles: Articles with Nouns in the Function of Apposition 20
III. English Function Words: Function Words Expressing Time 24
Vocabulary Section 28
Reading for Discussion: “The Creations of Mankind” 38
Speaking 44
Discussing the Text –
Discussing the Topic 45
Useful Tips for English Learners: Numbers 53
Writing: Form Filling 55
Miscellaneous 57
Project Work 59
UNIT TWO. People and Society 60
Introduction 61
Listening Comprehension 63
Reading 65
Use of English 71
Grammar Section —
English Tenses: Present Progressive, Past Progressive, Past Simple –
English Articles: Articles with Names of Persons 74
English Function Words: Function Words of Place. As versus Like 76
Vocabulary Section 78
Reading for Discussion: “The Cold War and Beyond” 88
Speaking 92
Discussing the Text —
Discussing the Topic 95
Useful Tips for English Learners: Avoiding Offence: Topic I. Gender 106
Writing: Writing a Personal Letter 107
Miscellaneous Ill
Project Work 113
UNIT THREE. You are ONLY a Teenager Once 114
Introduction 115
Listening Comprehension 118
Reading 120
Use of English 125
Grammar Section —
English Tenses: Past Perfect —
English Articles: Articles with Countable and Uncountable Nouns 131
English Function Words: Prepositions Used with Nouns 135
Vocabulary Section 137
Reading for Discussion: “Youth Movements” 149
Speaking 154
Discussing the Text —
Discussing the Topic —
Useful Tips for English Learners: Avoiding Offence: Topic II. Racial and Ethnic Groups 164
Writing: Writing a Personal Letter (continued) 165
Miscellaneous 167
Project Work 170
UNIT FOUR. Family Matters 171
Introduction 172
Listening Comprehension 175
Reading 177
Use of English 183
Grammar Section —
English Tenses: The Passive Voice. Perfect and Progressive Infinitives in Passive Structures —
English Articles: Articles with Geographical and Place Names. Articles in Some Prepositional Phrases 188
English Function Words: Prepositions Used with Verbs 193
Vocabulary Section 196
Reading for Discussion: About Victorian Family Life 207
Speaking 213
Discussing the Text —
Discussing the Topic 214
Useful Tips for English Learners: Avoiding Offence: Topic III. Illnesses and
Disability 226
Writing: Writing a Personal Letter (continued) 227
Miscellaneous 229
Project Work 231
English-Russian Vocabulary 232

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