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В рабочей тетради № 2 помещен мини-словарь, включающий лексику, которая содержится в учебниках серии “Счастливый английский” для 5–7-х классов. Рабочая тетрадь также включает в себя раздаточный материал, необходимый для работы на уроке.
Пример из учебника
Ask Mr Hel How to learn English 1. Ask your teacher to help you translate the words you don’t know or look them up in the dictionary. 2. Make lists of new words, and translate and transcribe them. Stick them up around your home to help you learn them. Every time (Ka>KÅb1i1 pa3) you see your list, read five words out loud (BCJIYX). Try to learn 2—3 words at a time (3a OAHH pa3). You won’t remember more. You can also make cards. Write a word on a small card. On the other side of the card write the translation. Check yourself if you have time. 3. Ignore (He oõparuañrre BHHMamre) the words that you don’t need to know to understand the text. Use the context to help you guess the meaning of words. Find the verb and define its form. Use the dictionary only for important words that you can’t guess. 4. Before you listen, look for something that will help you understand the text. For example, the title, pictures. Look at the tasks and read the questions and try to guess the answers. You should have your own cassettes of this textbook and listen to them as often as you can.
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